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Haiku, Tanka, Haiga Publications (A-F)

Updated: Aug 22

* I split this haikai chronicling into two lists for better separating by specific forms of work exhibited, for inventory of haibun, collaborations (including split sequences, rengay, tan-renga) and string publications you can find full account here!

Haiku/Senryū Haiga Tanka/Kyōka Sedōka Cherita

Cold Moon Journal: “orchestra swells”, "major chords", "ventriloquist", "frosted shadows", "cornstalks", "waiting room", "lambs", "farmhouse", "Dawn", "tangerines", "blemished moon", "liminal highway", "forgotten frost", "thunderstorms", "lightning flashes", "lipstick", "doodlebugging", "ink blot", "sun hat", "bird sanctuary", "gnats", "parsley", "leaves us", "vacation", "eaves", "socks", "kingdom builders", "deepfake"

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