Haibun/Tanka Story:
Big Windows Review: “Mittens", "Green"
BSWS: "Haikai/roscuro" Zine
Cafe Haiku: "Maturity", "Ripper Weather"
Corporeal: "Frankincense", "Holding Patterns", "Discharge", "Tenure", "Again"
Disturb the Universe: "Different Strokes", "Mammon"
Drifting Sands: "the Apollo", "Marseilles", "From India", "Razor's Edge", "Green Acres"
D.O.R.: "Carol", "Hematophagy", "Analysis Paralysis", "play dough", "revoked", "Summer", "Will"
Failed Haiku: "Headlights", "et que ça saute", "Textbook"
Five Fleas: "Noble Prow", "Minutes", "Apostate", "lobotomy"
MadSwirl: "Chunky Monkey", "roomed with"
The Other Bunny: "Vital Organs", "any card", "The Island of Capri", "bullets", "German play", "Trust Fall", "0850135C3NC3", "Line & Sinker"
Pan Haiku Review: "Thumbscrew", "Paint Sample" (Touchstone Award Nomination)
Prune Juice: "Phoenicians”, "silent protest", "malice"
Setu Bilingual Journal: "Archaeology", "Psssssssst", "Clipper Ship", "between fourth and fifth rib", "An Ode", "Ratchet", "While We Work", "Still Weeping"
Under the Basho: "Dodged", "Psithurism"
Split Sequence:
D.O.R.: "March Hare"
Medusa's Kitchen: "gravitas", "shelf stable", "Queen of the Night"
miniMAG: "asteroid rain", "loose morals"
Poetry Pea: “A game of chance”, “whatever comes our way”, “parasols”, “wonderland”, "Infinite Highway"
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal: "Tipping Over", "Drifting", "Curator", "Icaria"
Setu Bilingual Journal: "Hunting Moon", "Long Strange", "Quarters", "Chicken Wire", "Bird Rescue", "Fish Tank", "Who Done It?", "Iona"
D.O.R.: "(a)void", "love", "hive mind", "green again"
Lothlorien: "Holiday In", "Collapse"
Prune Juice: "Vice"
Raining Rengay: "Monkey Flowers", "Metanoia", "Eclipse", "Panacea", "Interface off", "Coastal Solitude"
Aurtistic Zine: "meal", "earth"
BSWS: "Haikai/roscuro" Zine
CoalitionWorks: "Grassroots", "Thanksgiving", "Solidarity"
Colors: the Magazine "Shank", "Loin", "Chuck"
D.O.R.: "City of Lakes", "Make a Wish", "Tongue of Dog", "Tooth of Wolf"
Fevers of the Mind: "Brüt", "Four Stars", "Divine"
Five Fleas: "Brook Lint", "Fruit Pies"
Ice Floe Press: "Blue Moon","lotus"
Ink Pantry: "Many Moons", "Only Illusions", "Summer Sky"
Juste Literary: "Ephesus", "Pong"
m58 poetry magazine: "Faith", "Spilled", "Sunny-Side Up"
Medusa's Kitchen: "declination", "true north", "wandering pole", “Body Horror”
Metachrosis: "When", "Where", "Why", "Kith and Kin"
Moss Puppy: "climbing tree", "plural", "Survival Horror"
Otoliths: "Lucky Horseshoe", "Stars", "Horseshoes", "Tattoo", "Cherry"
Periwinkle Pelican: "sacred heart", "wilder", "wells", "ray", "tramps"
Piker Press: "Can", "Small Plates"
Setu Bilingual Journal: "Eye", "Spaghetti Western", "Shadow Portrait", "Praline"
Synchronized Chaos: "Fenny", "Garter", "Great Horned", "Cactus Sequences"
Version (9) Magazine: "Five Gunsaku", "Rushmore", "Dessert", "Papier-mâché", "Western", "Etemenanki"
Five Fleas: "parting gifts", "elf's life", "Iceland"
Icebreakers Lit: "cow bells", "rabbits", "dandelions"
miniMAG: "witchcraft", "taste of meat"
M.R. Defibaugh Tan-Renga / Tanka Chapbook Series: "cadence and tone", "for our thoughts", "black snake", "pavement", "ballerina", "supply chain", "dry leaves"
Prune Juice: "dog friendly patio", "shelter", "gasses", "broadsides", "majestic"