Writing publication! Tremendous respect & admiration always to @elizabeef Macduffie Klaus, who from a wonderfully managed North Pole workshop generously brings us this stocking stuffed with literary & artistic bullion, which positively runneth over with crackling #haiku & #rengay by @BlueIris5432... ... including Kimberly Kuchar's "Pathways" on p.54, excellent poems by @RCdeWinter ("Kissing the Matrix" p.102) and @JamesPenha ("Electric Blues" p. 93) seasonal #fiction ("Blue Christmas" p.86), rengay & #haibun par moi! Merry Christmas everyone!! If you are new to Meat For Tea and planning to submit for a future themed issue this is a fine example of the greatness, diversity, taste they are known for, famously showcase. Electronic copies are only $5, well worth it even if you aren't participating! Meat For Tea's 4th issue this year explores the theme of "Electric" , so much gratitude to editor-in-chief Elizabeth Macduffie, and layout wizard Mark Alan Miller, for allowing me to provide the edition's Guest Salutations, exploring elemental force's history past and present! Meat For Tea is currently reading for their next special anniversary #print issue exploring theme (not to be approached too literally) of "Dark", highly encourage you to mark calendars and be sure to get a #submissions of #writing or #art in by Feb. 18!!
Meat For Tea: Volume 16 Issue 4 "Electric"
Updated: Dec 29, 2022