Writing publication! Honored to make a third appearance right on the heels of the last, in this wonderful running showcase, my first tanka there (and second I want to say, presented formally anywhere, to date) I'm very excited to share with people. If you are not familiar with the style, I highly recommend reading two books I've enjoyed in recent weeks, Salad Anniversary and Tangled Hair, both of which are nothing short of life-changing marvelous, and in their respective days made quite a splash across Japan and sent ripples outward worldwide revitalizing and re-centralizing the ancient, storied waka, testifying to its continued relevance in modern times. Digregorio is still actively seeking tanka to exhibit, so if you happen to compose them please consider sending some in for her to consider. Charlotte really distinguishes herself with her hands-on approach and constructive assistance and guidance, applying skills she has finely honed through years of instructing and editorial curation, which are truly beneficial to collaborators and contributors in countless ways. I can't encourage you enough to get something in her column for the didactic critique and tweaking process alone! ^^
