Writing publication...in translation! :o So excited to join (along with many admired poets, exceptional Dr. Mona Bedi and Lorelyn Arevalo) in the anniversary edition of Triya magazine sharing one new & several previously published poems... in Hindi?? Enormously thankful to Team Triya (Teji Sethi, Vaibhav Joshi, micro poems editor/translator Priti Chahar) for fantastic opportunity to engage with a distant audience in a wonderful language, truly exhilarating honor I encourage other poets to explore. They'll be reading again in January, mark your calendars and consider becoming a haiku ambassador and international ally with your Indian comrades in their next extraordinary issue!!
moral relativism
a viper
feels no remorse
नैतिक सापेक्षवाद
कोई पछतावा नहीं
नाग को