(I had to split these into three posts, 2020-2023 publications are detailed elsewhere!)
About time I organized these more professionally, for easy perusal by any interested in reviewing them! This orderly approach is simpler to glance through than scrolling the blog, which I also encourage doing if you'd like a visual romp through this ever expanding chronology. Highly recommend following the links to where the pieces live to appreciate all the other thoughtfully assembled work they were exhibited alongside; each of these publications I have enormous respect for, and encourage you to investigate for further pleasurable reading, consider as strong potential residences for your own creative writing and artwork worth submitting to enthusiastically!
"divide", uncollected - 5-7-5- Haiku Journal (Haiku)
"railway line", uncollected - 5-7-5- Haiku Journal (Haiku)
"festooned", uncollected - 5haikuSpoken (Haiku)
"flipbook", uncollected - 5haikuSpoken (Haiku)
"yellow days", uncollected - 5haikuSpoken (Haiku)
"presentiment", uncollected - Alice Says Go **** Yourself (Haibun)
"seed catalogue", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"red pillows", "sunken stairwell", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"cranes", "seagulls", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"flag tree", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"flowering aloe", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"dove in flight", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"banqueta", "weaving", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"pyrotechnics", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"wings acting", "next generation", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"mentholated", "killer", uncollected - ballast journal (Haiga)
"wait", "sphinx moth", "caucasian", uncollected - the Bamboo Hut (Tanshi, Cherita)
"scrying", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"Clear Lake", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"bead curtain", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"change", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"seated", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"sprinklers", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"stalemate", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"perennials", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"crinkling", uncollected - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"Frog Legs", uncollected - Blue Daisies (Sequence)
"reaching", uncollected - Bottle Rockets (Haiku)
"trashcan", uncollected - Bottle Rockets (Haiku)
"Creation Myths", uncollected - Brown Bag Online (Concrete, Sequence)
"Haikai/roscuro" Zine, uncollected - BSWS (Haiga, Sequence, Haibun)
"beads", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog "Love" Showcase (Haiku)
"pinwheel", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog (Haiku)
"Three Stars", uncollected - Chewers & Masticadores (Sequence)
"Up here", uncollected - Chewers & Masticadores (Haibun)
"Lullaby, "the Heist", uncollected - Coffee and Conversations (Sequence)
"One Letter Poems", uncollected - Coffee and Conversations (Book Review)
"arms", "piñata", uncollected - Coin-Operated Press Haiku Poetry Zine (Haiga)
“orchestra swells”, uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"major chords", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"ventriloquist", "frosted shadows", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"sun hat", "bird sanctuary", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"gnats", "parsley", "leaves us", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"vacation", "eaves", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"socks", "kingdom builders", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"deepfake", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"bushy tale", uncollected - Contemporary Haibun Online (Haibun)
"Ying", "Yang", uncollected - Cosmic Daffodil (Concrete, Haiku, Tan-Renga, Sedōka)
"berries," "at random", "zebra finch", uncollected - Creative Inspirations (Tanka)
"honk", "pillow fight", "antique cage", "spent blooms", uncollected - Creative Inspirations (Tanka, Kyoka, Sedoka)
"bulbs", "tapeworm", "cheeps", "welcome breeze", uncollected - Creative Inspirations (Tanka, Haiku)
"buttonhole", "cherries", "corner", uncollected - Creative Inspirations (Haiku, Sequence, Acrostic)
"Boxer Shorts", uncollected - dadakuku (Kyoka)
"torture porn", uncollected - dadakuku (Haiku, Concrete)
"two geese", uncollected - Daily Haiga (Haiga)
"Clovers", uncollected - Disturb the Universe (Sequence)
"Different Strokes", uncollected - Disturb the Universe (Haibun)
"kukai", uncollected - Disturb the Universe (Haiga)
"the Apollo", uncollected - Drifting Sands (Haibun)
"Carol", "(a)void", "City of Lakes", "March Hare", "Pindar", uncollected - D.O.R. (Haibun, Rengay, Sequence, Split Sequence, Haiga)
"tardigrade", "CHATTER", "filter paper", "Iceberg", "The Tunnel We Deserve", "Four Gembun", uncollected - Dreadnought SF (Haibun, Concrete, Gembun, Haiga, Sequence)
"busy bees, "shoulder padding", unpublished - Edmonton Japanese Community Association 2024 "EJCA Haiku Anthology" (Haiku)
"basketball net", uncollected - Enchanted Garden Haiku Journal (Haiga)
"desiccated", uncollected - Enchanted Garden Haiku Journal (Tanka)
"Crest Hill", uncollected - The Expressionist Literary Magazine (Sestina)
"raven", "drowning", "printer jammed", uncollected - Failed Haiku (Kyoka)
"summer snow", "sickness", "asks" uncollected - Failed Haiku (Cherita, Senryu)
"feeder", "Headlights" uncollected - Failed Haiku (Haibun, Senryu)
"Textbook", "urinal", uncollected - Failed Haiku (Haibun, Senryu, Concrete)
"Like Now", uncollected - Fevers of the Mind (Book Review)
"Blues, Prayers, and Pagan Chants", uncollected - Fevers of the Mind (Book Review)
"gradated moon", "dummy", "antechinus", uncollected - Fireflies Light (Senryu, Haiku, Kyoka)
"price tags", "burning", "statecraft", "helmet", "all saints", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"plural marriage", "electoral politics", "pâté", "Noble Prow", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku, Haibun)
"freed market", "dodo", "gargoyle", "poverty level", "burled oak", "early bird", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku, Cherita)
"cherry tree", "brow", "hotelier", "quantity limits", uncollected - Five Fleas (Concrete, Kyoka, Haiku, Cherita)
"every martyr", "connect four", "solar flares", "blues harp", uncollected - Five Fleas (Concrete, Haiku, Senryu)
"spoliation", "macaques", "crash test dummy", "revisionism", "Shiva", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"rocky", "ragout", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"loggerhead", "rain arrow", "Jane heir", "root vegetable", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"Observances", uncollected - FolkHeart Press (Sequence)
"birdhouse", "white flowers", uncollected - Folk Ku (Haiku)
"hubris", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Haiga)
"Brahma's hidden face", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Haiga)
"circles", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Haiku, Concrete/Vispo)
"wind warning", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Haiku, Concrete/Vispo)
"pipes and beer", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Concrete/Vispo, Split Sequence)
"pruning shears", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Concrete/Vispo, Tan-Renga)
"nature", uncollected - Fresh Out Magazine (Haiga)
"Sky & Earth", "Electric Cat City", "A Million Shadows at Noon", uncollected - Frogpond (Rengay, Book Review)
"Bonding, Borders, and Boundaries", uncollected - Frogpond (Essay, Book Review)
"Yet Again", "Baboon's Blood", "private library", "John Wayne's Brain" uncollected - GAS: Poetry, Art, and Music (Sequence, Haiga, Split Sequence, Nursery Rhyme)
“hot mic", uncollected - Haiga in Focus (Haiga)
"skylarks", uncollected - Haiga in Focus (Haiga)
"carry less", uncollected - Haiga in Focus (Haiga)
"Eight Monoku", uncollected - Haiku Avenue (Haiku)
"Teikei Tercets and Monoku", uncollected - Haiku Avenue (Haiku)
"Faunistics", uncollected - Haiku Canada Review (Book Review)
"Designated Driver", uncollected - Haiku Canada Review (Book Review)
"muslin moon", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Intermission (Haiku)
"no tread left", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Curtain Call (Haiku)
"fawn", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Flora & Fauna (Haiku)
"high rises", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Rivers & Clouds (Haiku)
"magnificent trees", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Magnificent Trees (Haiku)
"wear away", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Wind and Waves at the Beach (Haiku)
"Feynman point", uncollected - Haiku Dialogue: Looking Out Far From Earth (Haiku)
"Eleven Video Haiga", uncollected - The Haiku Foundation Video Project: HaikuLife 2024 (Kinetic Haiga)
"baboon", uncollected - HaikUniverse (Haiku)
"country club", uncollected - HaikUniverse (Haiku)
"chairs", uncollected - Haiku Society of America 2024 Members Anthology (Haiku)
"falling", uncollected - Heliosparrow (PostKu)
"Barn", uncollected - Hellmouth Lit Anthology (Sequence)
"flayed", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu)
"escape", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu)
"tongue louse", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu)
"anglerfish", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu)
"Shopping Carts", "dust on the ledge", "Blue Moon", uncollected - Ice Floe Press (Concrete, Haibun, Haiku, Tanka, Sequence)
"Feeding the Meter", uncollected - Ink Pantry (Tanka Prose)
"Pong", uncollected - Juste Literary (Haiku, Concrete/Vispo)
"open concept", uncollected - Kingfisher (Haiku)
"these bones", uncollected - Kokako (Haiku)
"sewer grate", "new lamp", uncollected - Leaf Journal (Haiku)
"paint brush", "anthills", "dominant eye", "house cat", "sad poems", uncollected - Leaf Journal (Haiku/Haiga)
"Four Poems", uncollected - Literary Revelations Petals of Haiku Anthology (Haiku)
"Making a List", uncollected - Litmora (Rengay)
"Holiday In", uncollected - Lothlorien (Haibun)
"roomed with", uncollected - Mad Swirl (Tanka Prose)
"spider's web", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"gray hairs", uncollected - The Mainichi ** Best of 2023 ** (Selection/Commentary)
"new crack", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"gobblers", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"perseids", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"matching raincoats", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"scarves", uncollected - The Mainichi (Haiku)
"close encounters", uncollected - Meat For Tea (Short Story)
"9 Poems", uncollected - Medusa's Kitchen (Concrete/Vispo, Haiku, Haibun, Haiga, Sequence)
"3 Poems", uncollected - Medusa's Kitchen (Split Sequence, Tan-Renga)
"Minneapolis skyline", uncollected - Messenger (Sequence, Vispo)
"asteroid rain", "loose morals", uncollected - miniMAG (Split Sequence)
"Swimming Hole", uncollected - miniMAG (Tanka Prose)
"©lean (b)rain", uncollected - miniMAG (rengay)
"flour explosions", uncollected - Moonflake Press (Haiga)
"pocket full of ashes", uncollected - Modern Haiku Press Haiku 2024 Anthology (Haiku)
"climbing tree", "plural", uncollected - Moss Puppy (Concrete, Haiku, Sequence)
"A Girl is At Her Mother's Funeral", uncollected - Moth Eaten Mag (Haibun)
"ballerina", "supply chain", "dry leaves", uncollected - M.R. Defibaugh Tan-Renga / Tanka Chapbook Series * beyond the guava tree * (Tan-Renga)
"ore train", uncollected - Naviar Records (Haiku) ** Music Challenge **
"waving flag", uncollected - NeverEnding Story (Haiku)
"Highku", uncollected - New Verse News (Haiku)
"oak tree roots", uncollected - NeverEnding Story (Haiku)
"daisy", uncollected - Nick Virgilio Haiku Association Haiku In Action: "Women's Work" (Haiku)
"aftershock", uncollected - Nick Virgilio Haiku Association Haiku In Action: "Earthquakes" (Haiku)
"Two Bits", uncollected - NOON: journal of the short poem (Split Sequence)
"three haiga", from Bathtub Poems and Funny Pages - North Dakota Quarterly (Haiga)
"rock & roll", collection - Origami Poems Project (Micro-chapbook)
"Montage Theory", uncollected - Osmosis Press (Tanka, Kyoka, Sequence)
"Vital Organs", "any card", uncollected - The Other Bunny (Haibun)
"bullets", "German play", uncollected - The Other Bunny (Haibun)
"Look Down", uncollected - Otherwise Magazine (Haibun)
"ghost lights", uncollected - Otoroshi - (Haiku)
"spruce tree" "ranch hand", uncollected - Ouachita Life Haiku Lines Column (Haiku)
"soccer ball", uncollected - Ouachita Life Haiku Lines Column (Haiku) ** Richard Feynman contest winner **
"honeybees", uncollected - Ouachita Life Haiku Lines Column (Haiku) ** honorable mention **
"trick or treat", uncollected - Pan Haiku Review (Haiku) ** Touchstone Award Nomination **
"Shiten Shepherd", uncollected - Pan Haiku Review (Sequence, Concrete)
"group photo", "sacred heart", uncollected - Periwinkle Pelican (Haibun, Sequence)
"frozen sherbet", uncollected - Periwinkle Pelican (Split Sequence)
"lake erie", uncollected - Petrichor/Pebbles (Haiku)
"lonely years", "jollof rice", "outdoor sandals", uncollected Pickle Poetry Press (Concrete, Haiku)
"Can", uncollected - The Piker Press (Haiku, Sequence, Concrete)
"The Drink", uncollected - The Piker Press (Haibun)
"White Noise", uncollected - Poetry Catalog (Tanka, Sequence)
"Infinite Highway", uncollected - Poetry Pea (Split Sequence)
"misplaced gloves", uncollected - Poetry Pea: 'Toriawase' (Haiku)
"bus bench", "just laundered" uncollected - Poetry Pea: 'Single Object' (Haiku)
"flat clouds", "abstract postcards", uncollected - Presence (Haiku, Tanka)
"Phoenicians", uncollected - Prune Juice (Haibun)
"Trafficked", "The Architecture of War", uncollected - Prune Juice (Haiga, Kasen)
"Eclipse", "Panacea", "Interface off", uncollected - Raining Rengay (Rengay)
"Tessellation", uncollected - The Recusant (Concrete)
"Hot Air", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Sequence)
"Algebra", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Sequence)
"Icaria", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Split Sequence)
"brains", "a white one by the bay", uncollected - Scifaikuest (Haibun, Haiku)
"rebuilding", uncollected - Seashores (Haiku)
"Aeolus", "hangman", "Laundry", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Rengay, Tanka Art, Concrete)
"Who Done It?", "Eye", "In-Store Pickup", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Split Sequence, Sequence, Concrete, Hymnal)
"Archaeology", "pitcher plant", "emerald monitor", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Concrete, Haibun, Haiku, Haiga)
"screen", "hope", "patient", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Haiku, Haiga, Collage)
"all these stars", "limited means", "clogged arteries", "horsehair", "anemone", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Haiku, Haiga, Concrete, Tanka)
"Psssssssst", Setu Bilingual Journal (Concrete, Haibun)
"Matisse's window", uncollected - Shadow Pond Journal (Haiku)
"nursery", "zoetrope", "wiser", uncollected - Solitary Daisy (Haiku)
"Raised", uncollected - Sontag Mag (Concrete, Senryu)
"Just Yesterday", "Dust", "What the Heavens Hide", uncollected - The Space Cadet (Rengay, Split Sequence)
"Roman Noir", uncollected - Spillwords (Concrete, Haiku, Tanka, Sequence)
"Moles", uncollected - Spillwords (Haibun)
"Lost in Space", "Conundrum", "little deaths", "cash economy", uncollected - Starbeck Orion (Split Sequence, Haiga)
"High Water", uncollected - Starbeck Orion (Haibun)
"Third Encore", "Let them eat coral", uncollected - Strangers & Karma (Haibun)
"sunday", "leveling", uncollected - Suspect Device Zine: Conflict (Haiku, Senryu)
"Throw Down", "deciduous conifers", "Light Mana", uncollected - Synchronized Chaos (Concrete, Tan-Renga, Rengay, Split Sequence)
"man of substance", "blood cell", "our party", uncollected - Take 5ive (Tanka, Kyoka)
"absent moon", uncollected - Time Haiku (Haiku)
"flew", "pistachio", uncollected - Triya Magazine (Haiku)
"dissolve", "louring", uncollected - Triya Magazine (Haiku)
"mutilation", uncollected - tsuri-dōrō (Haiku)
"statue", uncollected - tsuri-dōrō (Haiku)
"crown of thorns", "continental drift", uncollected - Under the Basho (PostKu)
"The Pendulum Moves Off", "White Terror Black Trauma" - Valley Voices (Book Review)
"Five Gunsaku", uncollected - Version (9) Magazine (Sequence)
"eagle feather", "pony trap", uncollected - Wales Haiku Journal (Haiku)
"lazy day", uncollected - Wales Haiku Journal (Haiku)
"Three Hybrids", uncollected - Where Meadows (Haiku, Concrete, Sequence)
"Four Poems", uncollected - The Wise Owl (Haiku)
"Midsummer Magic, uncollected - The Wise Owl (Haiku)
"Five Poems", uncollected - The Zen Space (Haiga)