(I had to split these into three posts, 2020, 2021, 2023 publications are detailed elsewhere!)

About time I organized these more professionally, for easy perusal by any interested in reviewing them! This orderly approach is simpler to glance through than scrolling the blog, which I also encourage doing if you'd like a visual romp through this ever expanding chronology. Also highly recommend following the links to where the pieces live to appreciate all the other thoughtfully assembled work they were exhibited alongside; each of these publications I have enormous respect for, and encourage you to investigate for further pleasurable reading, consider as strong potential residences for your own creative writing and artwork worth submitting to enthusiastically!
"green and shiny", uncollected - 14th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest (Haiku)
"morning glories", from Dog Days - Alien Buddha Zine (Haiga)
"dunking folk", "cutlery, "cravat", uncollected - Alien Buddha Microdoses Anthology (Haiku)
"bunker hill", "nectar", "bowling pin", "ride sharing", "judgment proof", uncollected - Arasi Magazine (Haiku)
"calendar", from Funny Pages - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"cat meowing", "old-timers", from Bathtub Poems - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"shoelace", "sundays", from Bathtub Poems - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"non-migrators", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"fling it", "gift", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"one way", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"lost me", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"keep coming back", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"Chet Baker", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
"the docket", uncollected - Asahi Shimbun (Haiku)
“bourgeois ghost”, uncollected - Audience Askew (Haiga)
"meal", "earth", uncollected - Aurtistic Zine (Sequence)
"Uncrossing Oil", uncollected - Babylon Sidedoor (Haibun)
"eye of Ra", "flattop grill", "hard place", uncollected - the Bamboo Hut (Tanshi)
"rosebush", "pissoirs", from Funny Pages - Bear Creek Haiku (Haiku)
"dsm", uncollected - Bear Creek Haiku (Haiku)
"slowly", from Bathtub Poems - Better Than Starbucks (Haiku)
"crazed eyes", "black frescoes", "floodwater", uncollected - Bindweed Anthology, Heavenly Flower Publishing (Haiga)
"fouldre", "in french", "pico de gallo", from Funny Pages - Black & White Haiga (Haiga)
"acquired tastes", "tart cherries", "minted", "spiral galaxy", "potted flower", uncollected - BloodBathHate "Vampires" (Haiku, Tanka)
"Out of Clay", uncollected - Bright Flash Literary Review ** 2022 Pushcart Prize Nominated ** (Short Story)
"To the Notes", "Wind Gust Saga", "On the Sea", from Gunnar Wennerberg's "Minor Poems" - Brown Bag Online (Translation)
"fish pellets", "branded", "street photographer", from Bathtub Poems - Bubble Magazine (Haiga)
"Dark Haiku", uncollected - Cajun Mutt Press Halloween Anthology (Haiku)
"worse", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog ** Haiku of the Day ** (Haiku)
"treasure hunting", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog ** Daily Double Senryu ** (Senryu)
"the weather's manic", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog (Tanka)
"square dancing", uncollected - Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog ** Haiku of the Day ** (Senryu)
"wood cross", "purest souls", "kerosene", uncollected - Clayjar Review (Haiku)
"class clowning", "Maui", "politician", "Ginsu", "reflection", uncollected - CoalitionWorks (Haiku)
"lipstick", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"doodlebugging", "ink blot", uncollected - Cold Moon Journal (Haiku)
"viscosity", "bush", "almanac", uncollected - Creative Inspirations (Haiku)
"didactic senryu", uncollected - the Creative Zine (Senryu)
"cooking math", "wishbone", "white", "western dressing", "yolk", "french vanilla", uncollected - the Culinary Saijiki (Haiku)
"cock", uncollected - Daily Haiga (Haiga)
"birds chirping", "Chartreux", "crawlspace", from Dog Days, "holiday shopping", "seeds", from Bathtub Poems - Danse Macabre (Haiga)
"kuiper object", "squelching", "reverse mortgage", "film noir", uncollected - Dark Winter Literary Magazine (Haiku)
"german shepherds", "owl decoy", "scattered toys", from Dog Days - Down in the Dirt Magazine (Haiga)
"Downtown Haiku", "Uptown Haiku", uncollected - Downtown Archive (Sequence)
"Razor's Edge", uncollected - Drifting Sands (Haibun)
"Green Acres", uncollected - Drifting Sands (Haibun)
"Memories from the world of dreams (II)", from Gunnar Wennerberg's "Minor Poems" - The Ekphrastic Review (Translation)
"endless", "muqarnas", "vulnerability", from Bathtub Poems - Erato Magazine (Haiga)
"own chickens", uncollected - Failed Haiku (Senryu)
"bad check", uncollected - Failed Haiku (Senryu)
"cheers me", "new life", "tinnitus", "old hood", "planting time", uncollected - Fevers of the Mind (Haiku)
"Stargazing, the Astronomy of Sequence Poems: A Pleasure Reading of minis, by JQ (John) Zheng", uncollected - Fireflies' Light (Book Review)
"luftballons", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"the ether", uncollected - Five Fleas (Tan-Renga)
"holy leaves", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"clean sheets", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"wherefore", uncollected - Five Fleas (Tanka)
"colonists", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"the monster", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"hope and change", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"Endception", "conspirators", uncollected - Five Fleas (Haiku)
"existential", "weak stomachs", from Bathtub Poems - Fresh Out Magazine (Tanka)
"Delta Notes", uncollected - Frogpond (Book Review)
"Scaring Crow", "Unexpected Gift", uncollected - Frogpond (Book Review)
"bit or stung", from Dog Days - Front Porch Review (Haiga)
"hammering", from Funny Pages - Fuck you, next (Haiga)
"thunderclaps", "circle", "surge protector" from Dog Days - Ginosko (Haiga)
"You wanna know about this here bumper sticker?", uncollected - Grim & Gilded (Short Story)
"hop hop hop", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: repetition/parallelism (Haiku)
"hot potato", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Family Portraits I (Haiku)
"groundhog", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Family Portraits III (Haiku)
"cardboard box", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Encounters (Haiku)
"dunlins", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Purpose (Haiku)
"floss", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Return (Haiku)
"flagpoles", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Exploring Emotions (Haiku)
"tree fort", uncollected - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Special Item (Haiku)
"pin cushion", from Bathtub Poems - Haiku Foundation Haiku Dialogue: Special Occasions (Haiku)
"fainting couch", uncollected - HaikUniverse (Haiku)
"possession", uncollected - The Haiku Pond (Haiku)
"not yet", uncollected - The Haiku Pond (Haiku)
"fireball", uncollected - The Haiku Pond (Haiku)
"planets", uncollected - The Haiku Pond (Haiku)
"luminaries", uncollected - Haiku Seed Journal "Candle" (Haiku)
"forcing me left", from Bindle Bum - Haiku Society 2022 Anthology "Dawn Returns" (Haiku)
"Ten Rising Up Poems", uncollected - Healthline Zine (Haiku)
"intercity bridge", uncollected - Heart Balm Literary (Haiku)
"witching hour", "death", "eternal city", uncollected - Hearth and Coffin (Tanka, Haiku)
"pus obscuring", "resignation", "activated charcoal", "must become parched", "tune in", from Bathtub Poems - Hive Avenue (Haiku)
"house of horrors", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu)
"Iblis", uncollected - Horror Senryu Journal (Senryu) ** Touchstone Award Nomination **
"trunk", "floorboards", "ruins", from Funny Pages - Ice Floe Press (Haiga)
"Meat of Calves", uncollected - Ilinix Literary Magazine (Short Story)
"keyhole arch", "planter", "squirrels", from Funny Pages - Impspired (Haiga)
"rough shape", "rookie mistake", "those instructors", from Funny Pages - Ink Pantry (Haiga)
"wound", "rorschach and awe", "snowed under", "rainbows", "cycle", uncollected - The IR (Haiku)
"Italian ice", "motorcycle crash", "late frost", uncollected - It Takes All Kinds magazine (Haiku)
"Four Poetic Forms", uncollected - It Takes All Kinds magazine (Tanka/Haiku/Senryu/Epitaph)
"cicadas", uncollected - The Japan Society Haiku Corner (Haiku)
"holding breath", uncollected - Kyoto Haiku Project (Haiku)
"crescendo", "inquisition", "each master", uncollected - Litterateur Redefining World (Haiga)
"signage", "Olive Oyl", "cracked screen", from Funny Pages and Bathtub Poems - Lothlorien Poetry Journal (Haiga)
"Freight Elevator", uncollected - The Lotus Tree Literary Review (Short Story)
"snorkeling with threshers", uncollected - MadSwirl (Haiku)
"smoke rings", "saline", from Funny Pages - MadSwirl (Haiku)
"ballad", "in memoriam", "spenserian stanza", uncollected - Meat For Tea (Metrical)
"the bean's neighbor", "duck and cover", "Blue Christmas", "completing the circuit" uncollected - Meat For Tea (Short Story, Haibun, Rengay)
"Those upon whom fell a curse of bronze", uncollected - Mediterranean Poetry (Elegy)
"centaur", "Mount Sapo", "sacred waters", uncollected - Rattlesnake Press: Medusa's Kitchen (Haiga)
"witchcraft", uncollected - miniMAG (tan-renga)
"a beam of light", uncollected - New Note Poetry (Haiga)
"The Rabble", uncollected - One-Sentence Poems (Poetry)
"Squeeze", uncollected - One-Sentence Poems (Poetry)
"chains", uncollected - On-the-High (Sequence)
"Cinderella quality", from Paint Chips - The Orchards Poetry Journal (Haiku)
"The Island of Capri", uncollected - The Other Bunny (Haibun)
"no Ahabs", "forced rhyming", "petite equal", from Funny Pages and Bathtub Poems - Otoliths (Haiga)
"edelweiss", uncollected - Ouachita Life Haiku Column ** First Place Winner Richard Feynman Contest ** (Haiku)
"last stop", "slippers", "beer olympics", uncollected - Outcast Press Poetry (Haiku)
"Chimney Sweeping/Sotarne" from Gunnar Wennerberg's "Minor Poems" - The Pinecone Review (Translation)
"laughing Buddha", uncollected - Plum Tree Tavern (Haiku)
"first frost", "cranberry moon", "amidst prozac", uncollected - Plum Tree Tavern (Haiku)
"Liberty's float", uncollected - Poetry Pea (Haiku)
"dead flowers", uncollected - Poetry Pea (Haiku)
"duck", "self-promotion", "tachibana", "stakes", uncollected - Poets Espresso Review (Haiku)
"natural order", uncollected - PopCULTlitmag (Haiku)
"Rare Fish, Small Pond", from Dick Jokes - Propertius Press (Short Story)
"something hoofed", "Airavata", "gingerbread", "tinkerer", uncollected - Pumpernickel House: The Blue Door (Haiku)
"Something Judged", uncollected - Quibble.Lit (Short Story)
"farmers", "heart full of nails", "makeshift tourniquet", "for a castle", "the monster", "drying stoop", uncollected - The Recusant (Haiku)
"thankful", "silver", uncollected - Renesme Literary (Tanka)
"Clover", uncollected - Roi Fainéant Literary Press (Sequence Poem)
"The Labyrinth and the Minotaur" - Sad Goose Cooperative Literary Magazine (Theatre Review)
"regional nice", "Fahrenheit", "ash tree", "meadowlarks", "alligators", uncollected - Sad Goose Cooperative Literary Magazine (Haiku)
"Pest Control", uncollected - Sage Cigarettes Magazine (Short Story)
"Osteology", uncollected - Sage Cigarettes Magazine (Short Story)
"lilies", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Haiku)
"Tipping Over", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Split Sequence)
"more windows", uncollected - Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Haiku)
"Environmental Charlie Browns", uncollected - The SciKu Project (Haiku)
"Illusion", uncollected - The SciKu Project (Haiku)
"Civil Disobedience", uncollected - The SciKu Project (Haiku)
"One Little Piggy", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Photo Essay)
"hey Jude", "extinguisher", "tropics", from Funny Pages - Setu Bilingual Journal (Haiga)
"The fisherman of Kinnekule", "The statuary hawker", "Swedish redemption", from Gunnar Wennerberg's "Minor Poems" - Setu Bilingual Journal (Translation)
"Whistling Through the Graveyard", from Nighted Colours - Setu Bilingual Journal (Short Story)
"Quarters", "Chicken Wire", "Bird Rescue", "Fish Tank", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Split Sequence)
"The camp follower", "Gondoliers", "The shepherd girl", from Gunnar Wennerberg's "Minor Poems" - Setu Bilingual Journal (Translation)
"Hunting Moon", "Knocks", "Long Strange", "dry spell", "science is real", "endless drought", uncollected - Setu Bilingual Journal (Rengay, Split Sequence, Tan-Renga)
"Witching Hour", "Revenants", uncollected - Sirens Call Magazine (Sequence)
"mild weather", "freshwater plants", "overdue squall", "mastered trellis", "Bird That Cries", uncollected - Sixpence Society Literary Journal (Haiku)
"Lombardo's Discourse" from Walter Takes a Staycation - The Song Between Our Stars (Poetry)
"walking papers", uncollected - Spillwords Press (Haiga)
"sweetly", from Funny Pages - Spillwords Press (Haiga)
"pince-nez", from Funny Pages - Spillwords Press (Haiga)
"princess depot", "onerous", from Bathtub Poems - Stanza Cannon (Poetry)
"disgruntled suffragette", "make a body", "black spot", "thunderclaps", "distant shore", uncollected - The Starlight SciFaiku Review (Haiku)
"her head was a stethoscope", "Chinatown" from Bindle Bum - Stillwater Review (Haiku)
"utopia", uncollected - Street Cake Magazine (Haiga)
"white boy", "don't feel bad", uncollected - Suspect Device Zine (Haiku) ** Touchstone Award Nomination **
"deer", "bedridden", uncollected - Suspect Device Zine (Haiku)
"carnations", "impotent anarchist", "reflection", from Funny Pages and Bathtub Poems co- Synchronized Chaos (Haiga)
"Fenny", "Garter", "Great Horned", uncollected - Synchronized Chaos (Sequence)
"litter removal", "jumper cables", uncollected - Take 5ive (Tanka)
"polar bear", "dancing crabs", uncollected - Tiny Frights (Haiku, Tanka)
"smeared halo", "rather than idolize", "why people write sonnets" from ;OSCOPY - Tofu Ink Arts (Haiku)
"viper", uncollected - Triya Magazine (Haiku)
"Psithurism", uncollected - Under the Basho (Haibun)
"apple trees", uncollected - The United Haiku and Tanka Society - Songbirds Anthology (Tanka)
"broke and entered," "faced with the hydra’s stumps," "can disavow your devil race", uncollected - Unlikely Stories (Poetry)
"bird bath", "sweltering heat", "flick", uncollected - Unlikely Stories (Haiga)
"If There Were Angels", uncollected - Valley Voices (Photo Essay)
"Through a Grainy Landscape", uncollected - Valley Voices (Book Review)
"fooling", from Funny Pages - Vermilion (Haiku) ** Contest Winner **
"storm season", "old songs", "wind farm", uncollected - Wales Haiku Journal (Senryu)
"bread crusts", "ripe smorgasbord", "peak highs", from Dog Days - Tenpenny Players: Waterways (Haiku)
"carbuncle", uncollected - Wine Cellar Press: Defense of Democracy Issue (Haiku)
"a white cockatiel", from Bathtub Poems - Winnetka-Northfield Library ** Short Poetry Contest Winner ** (Poetry)
"Thorns and Brambles", uncollected - Wishbone Words (Haiku)
"In the Morning", uncollected - Wombwell Rainbow (Sestina)
"Prescribed Fires", uncollected - Wombwell Rainbow (Dizain)
"Reunion Tour", uncollected - Wombwell Rainbow (Bref Double)
"smart young curs", "lucky he's so cute", "one can't scoop liquid", from Dog Days - Wordgathering (Haiga)
"By the Slab", "Polish Day Parade", uncollected - The Yard: Crime Fiction and True Crime (Poetry)
"faierie land", "Henry David", "Pere Lachaise", from Bathtub Poems - The Zen Space (Haiga)