14th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest: "green and shiny"
Arasi Magazine: "bunker hill", "nectar", "bowling pin", "ride sharing", "judgment proof"
Asahi Shimbun: "seed catalogue", "red pillows", "sunken stairwell", "cranes", "seagulls", "flag tree", "the road to Rome", "posies", "thrice", "sliding home", "fool's gold", "broccoli", "peace on earth", "healthcare directive", "Great River", "spraying", "bandaids", "small plates", "sand", "oil lamp", "picasso moth", "dry painting", "soap bubble", "dusty mirror", "frog motel", "calendar", "cat meowing", "old-timers", "shoelace", "sundays", "non-migrators", "fling it", "gift", "one way", "lost me", "keep coming back", "Chet Baker", "the docket", "flowering aloe", "dove in flight", "banqueta", "weaving",
Aurtistic Zine: "meal", "earth"
ballast journal: "mentholated", "killer"
the Bamboo Hut: "wait", "sphinx moth", "caucasian", "haunted house", "the dancing", "siren", "origins", "maraca", "eye of Ra", "flattop grill", "hard place"
Bear Creek Haiku: "rosebush", "pissoirs", "dsm"
Bindweed Anthology: "crazed eyes", "black frescoes", "floodwater"
Black & White Haiga: "scrying", "Clear Lake", "bead curtain", "honeysuckle", "farewells", "rockers", "empty slot", "plastic bag", "fouldre", "in french", "pico de gallo", "change", "seated", "sprinklers", "stalemate"
BloodBathHate: "acquired tastes", "tart cherries", "minted", "spiral galaxy", "potted flower"
Bones: "white silos", "rickshaw"
BSWS: "Haikai/roscuro" Zine
Bubble Magazine: "fish pellets", "branded", "street photographer"
Cafe Haiku: "lichen", "Maturity", "Ripper Weather"
Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog: "beads", "cock [remix]", "old hood [remix]", "two dogs", "worse", "treasure hunting", "the weather's manic", "square dancing"
The Cherita: "waves", "rush", "blade", "dust", "dumpster diving"
Chewers & Masticadores: "Three Stars", "Up here", "parachutes"
Clayjar Review: "wood cross", "purest souls", "kerosene"
Closed Eye Open: "binary highways", "can't fake those", "city of light", "first level", "waterpark"
CoalitionWorks: "Grassroots", "Thanksgiving", "Solidarity", "Meringue", "Sounding Depths", "Irresistible constrictor", "Meltdown", "class clowning", "Maui", "politician", "Ginsu", "reflection"
Cold Moon Journal: “orchestra swells”, "major chords", "ventriloquist", "frosted shadows", "cornstalks", "waiting room", "lambs", "farmhouse", "Dawn", "tangerines", "blemished moon", "liminal highway", "forgotten frost", "thunderstorms", "lightning flashes", "lipstick", "doodlebugging", "ink blot", "sun hat", "bird sanctuary", "gnats", "parsley", "leaves us"
Colors: the Magazine "Shank", "Loin", "Chuck" "ratchet straps", "repast"
Contemporary Haibun Online: "bushy tale", "scorch mark", "out of egg", "fixed fights", "bottle cap sun"
Corporeal Lit: "Frankincense", "Holding Patterns", "Discharge"
Cosmic Daffodil: "Ying", "Yang"
Creative Inspirations: "berries," "at random", "zebra finch", "honk", "pillow fight", "antique cage", "spent blooms", "wind", "eye for", "turkey vultures", "fleurs du mal", "dog-rose", "no umbrella", "choreography", "bodhi", "normandy", "wheelchairs", "Chekov", "tempest", "brothers", "eagle", "dirty cars", "record snowfall", "garlic bread", "white tails", "in the cracks", "interject", "clouds", "axe", "bird on a wire", "viscosity", "bush", "almanac", "bulbs", "tapeworm", "cheeps", "welcome breeze"
the Culinary Saijiki: "cooking math", "wishbone", "white", "western dressing", "yolk", "french vanilla"
Cutbow Quarterly: "bag of rice", "splinter", "ice dams"
dadakuku: "squid", "Boxer Shorts", "Dragon Fruit", "Billie holiday", "that divine marquis", "pain thresholds", "Say for nine consecutive days", "cutting pyre-wood", "Mauretania", "Fossil Fuels", "Comedy Troupe", "torture porn"
Daily Haiga: "bats", "Shadow Falls", "cock", "two geese"
Danse Macabre: "birds chirping", "Chartreux", "crawlspace", "holiday shopping", "seeds"
Dark Winter Literary Magazine: "kuiper object", "squelching", "reverse mortgage", "film noir"
Disturb the Universe: "Clovers", "away from home", "Different Strokes"
Down in the Dirt magazine: "german shepherds", "owl decoy", "scattered toys"
Drifting Sands: "the Apollo", "Marseilles", "From India", "Razor's Edge", "Green Acres"
D.O.R.: "Carol", "(a)void", "City of Lakes", "March Hare", "Pindar", "Hematophagy", "Analysis Paralysis", "love", "play dough", "hive mind", "revoked", "green again", "Make a Wish", "Summer", "Tongue of Dog", "Will", "Tooth of Wolf"
The Elevation Review: "this lack of hairdressers", "violating curfew", "we need you out here"
Erato Magazine: "endless", "muqarnas", "vulnerability"
Ergi: "Five Poems"
Failed Haiku: "luftballons", "the ether", "holy leaves", "clean sheets", "wherefore", "colonists", "the monster", "hope and change", "Endception", "conspirators", "feeder", "Headlights"
Fauxmoir: "forcing me left", "Quick Splash 'n Dash", "true crime"
Fevers of the Mind: "raven", "drowning", "printer jammed", "summer snow", "sickness", "asks", "falling star", "pantheon", "higher wages", "behind a church", "flowers", "crystals", "narcs", "pez dispenser", "rave", "sponge", "sharp", "fallow", "own chickens", "bad check", "cheers me", "new life", "tinnitus", "old hood", "planting time", "Brüt", "Four Stars", "Divine", "Desperate Majeure"
Fireflies' Light: "boots", "gradated moon", "dummy", "antechinus"
Five Fleas: "price tags", "burning", "statecraft", "helmet", "all saints", "plural marriage", "electoral politics", "pâté", "Noble Prow", "freed market", "dodo", "gargoyle", "poverty level", "burled oak", "early bird, "Toulouse goose", "s p a c e", "parting gifts", "meme template", "long con", "Scandinavia", "clean train", "brontosaurus", "venus", "table", "plutocracy", "red ants", "false spring", "ship", "obsolete part", "tax brackets", "Minutes", "Brook Lint", "Apostate", "Fruit Pies", "lobotomy", "politiku", "cherry tree", "brow", "hotelier", "quantity limits", "every martyr", "connect four", "solar flares", "blues harp", "spoliation", "macaques", "crash test dummy", "revisionism", "Shiva" Touchstone Award Nomination
Flying Dodo: "shadow boxing", "the candles", "clocks", "Nighthawks", "pigment", "rocket launcher"
The Flying Saucer Poetry Review: "Meteor and other SciFaiku"
Flying Ketchup Press: "lighted balconies" - Night Forest Anthology
Folk Ku Journal: "angel food cake", "gold leaf", "birdhouse", "white flowers"
Fresh Out Magazine: "hubris", "Brahma's hidden face", "circles", "spiritualism", "blossoms", "ampersand", "cygnet", "lamppost", "stage your breakdown", "weak stomachs", "wind warning", "pipes and beer"
Frogpond: "Sky & Earth", "ghost apple", "pennyroyal"
GAS: Poetry, Art, and Music: "Yet Again", "Baboon's Blood", "private library"
Ginosko: "thunderclaps", "circle", "surge protector"
Haiku Avenue: "nepeta", "unlucky", "populous web", "Eight Monoku"
Haiku Dialogue: "muslin moon", "no tread left", "fawn", "the village", "raven", "timeworn things", "pig manure", "empty spaces", "a print", "second image", "crushed ice", "stump", "Auguste", "hop hop hop", "hot potato", "groundhog", "cardboard box", "dunlins", "floss", "flagpoles", "tree fort", "pin cushion", "high rises"
Haiku Foundation: "High Fashion", "re:Virals 393", "Eleven Video Haiga" Book of the Week HaikuLife 2024
HaikuNetra: "spring training", "seedhead", "sunny day", "Appleseed", "express lane", "blanks", "fluttering", "power couple"
HaikUniverse: "baboon", "pillows", "meiku", "tweets", "fainting couch"
The Haiku Pond: "possession", "not yet", "fireball", "planets"
Haiku Society 2023/2023 Anthology: "decaying atom", "forcing me left"
Haiga in Focus: "hot mic", "skylarks", "creaking", "pram", "four birds"
Hearth & Coffin: "Monstrosity", "witching hour", "death", "eternal city"
Hey, I'm Alive Magazine: "aloha to worship in", "burnt out", "if their flavor remains", "money tree", "notes"
Hive Avenue: "pus obscuring", "resignation", "activated charcoal", "must become parched", "tune in"
Horror Senryu Journal: "flayed", "escape", "scimitar", "killing hurt", "night zebras", "car alarm", "true believer", "exit wound", "patchy clouds", "seasonless", "spring mist", "house of horrors", "tongue louse", "anglerfish", "Iblis" - Touchstone Award Nomination
Icebreakers Lit: "cow bells", "rabbits", "dandelions"
Ice Floe Press: "trunk", "floorboards", "ruins", "Shopping Carts", "dust on the ledge", "Blue Moon"
Impspired: "Konami Code", "keyhole arch", "dug out planter", "madcap circles"
Ink Pantry: "Many Moons", "Only Illusions", "Summer Sky", "rough shape", "rookie mistake", "those instructors"
The IR: "wound", "rorschach and awe", "snowed under", "rainbows", "cycle"
It Takes All Kinds magazine: "Rainbow", "Tin Heart", "Moons of Pluto", "wisteria", "orchid", "ghibli", "dickenses", "feast day", "utopian", "Italian ice", "motorcycle crash", "late frost", "Four Poetic Forms"
The Japan Society Haiku Corner: "dog walkers", "perpendicular", "cicadas"
Juste Literary: "Ephesus", "hare", "Pong"
Leaf Journal: "disconnected", "scar", "fishbowl", "sewer grate", "new lamp"
Literary Revelations: "Four Poems" Petals of Haiku Anthology
Litterateur Redefining World: "crescendo", "inquisition", "each master"
Lothlorien: "Holiday In", "Five Linked Form Collaborative Poems", "signage", "Olive Oyl", "trademarks"
Lychee Rind: "Kaleidoscopes", "brave Kylie", "a panda catastrophe"
m58 poetry magazine: "Bucephalus", "egg", "pilgrims"
MacQueen's Quinterly: "rain", "lobster", "peonies", "loon call", "tornado drill"
MadSwirl: "Lunacy", "Chunky Monkey", "snorkeling with threshers", "smoke rings", "saline", "roomed with"
The Mainichi: "spider's web", "new crack", "gray hairs", "gray hairs", "gobblers", "perseids"
Meat For Tea: "the bean's neighbor", "duck and cover", "completing the circuit"
Medusa's Kitchen: "declination", "true north", "wandering pole", "sister pink", "runner", "ink", "centaur", "Mount Sapo", "sacred waters", "9 Poems"
Messy Misfits Club: "wounds", "pileated"
Metachrosis: "When", "Where", "Why", "Kith and Kin"
miniMAG: "asteroid rain", "loose morals", "taste of meat", "Balloons", "eighth of a dollar", "witchcraft", "Swimming Hole"
Modern Haiku: "mylar", "ashes", "ashes" Haiku 2024 Anthology
Moss Puppy: "climbing tree", "plural"
M.R. Defibaugh Tan-Renga / Tanka Chapbook Series: "cadence and tone", "for our thoughts", "black snake", "pavement", "ballerina", "supply chain", "dry leaves"
Nick Virgilio Haiku Association Haiku In Action: "comforter", "daisy", "aftershock"
Origami Poems Project: "Fly Fishing", "Rock & Roll" Micro-chapbook
The Other Bunny: "Vital Organs", "any card", "The Island of Capri", "bullets", "German play"
Otoliths: "Lucky Horseshoe", "Stars", "Horseshoes", "Tattoo", "Cherry", "no Ahabs", "forced rhyming", "petite equal"
Otoroshi: "Bone Chill", "smoke", "texture", "ghost lights" Editor's Choice
Ouachita Life Haiku Lines Column: "spruce tree", "ranch hand", "perched", "dandelions" "prayer flags", "edelweiss", "soccer ball"
Outcast Press Poetry: "last stop", "slippers", "beer olympics"
Pan Haiku Review: "trick or treat", "trig homework", "Book of Exodus", "trick or treat" Touchstone Award Nomination
Periwinkle Pelican: "group photo", "sacred heart", "wilder", "wells", "ray", "tramps"
Pickle Poetry Press: "lonely years", "jollof rice", "outdoor sandals"
Plum Tree Tavern: "cleared paths", "Iowa River", "John Berryman's Splash", "laughing Buddha", "first frost", "cranberry moon", "amidst prozac"
Poetry Pea: "Infinite Highway", "bumper stickers", "crumb of cheese", "wastrel", "first buds", "bicycle bell", “A game of chance”, “whatever comes our way”, “parasols”, “wonderland”, "gypsy guitar", "nomination for Judge's choice", "swan lake", "Liberty's float", "dead flowers", "misplaced gloves"
Poets Espresso Review: "goats", "duck", "self-promotion", "tachibana", "stakes"
Presence: "article", "Zen retreat", "flat clouds", "abstract postcards"d
Prune Juice: "Phoenicians”, "Vice", "wayfarer", "dog friendly patio", "masculinity", "home", "shelter", "malice", "gasses", "ho ho ho", "silent protest", "broadsides", "majestic" Touchstone Award Nomination
Pumpernickel House: "something hoofed", "Airavata", "gingerbread", "tinkerer"
Quillkeepers Press: "these scarves", "I like strings", "playing with china dolls"
Raining Rengay: "Monkey Flowers", "Metanoia", "Eclipse", "Panacea", "Interface off"
The Raw Art Review: "film grain and sound speeding", "at the fish market"
The Recusant: "farmers", "heart full of nails", "makeshift tourniquet", "for a castle", "the monster", "drying stoop", "Tessellation"
Ribbons: "bastard city", "the midwest", "appendix", "umeshu", "cardboard boxes", "vines"
Riot Magazine: "shark fin", "hot wheels", "visiting day", "natural selection", "vermiculite", "Albert Lea", "an aria", "Mack Truck", "pit stop"
Sad Goose Cooperative Literary Magazine: "regional nice", "Fahrenheit", "ash tree", "meadowlarks", "alligators"
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal: "Hot Air", "Algebra", "Drifting", "buckets", "Ballet Royale", "Curator", "dirt", "Admissions", "lilies", "Tipping Over", "more windows", "Icaria"
The SciKu Project: "Vested Interests", "Exploitation", "Environmental Charlie Browns", "Illusion", "Civil Disobedience"
Seashores: "windmills", "moonlessness", "rebuilding"
Setu Bilingual Journal: "Five Haiga", "enter only", "Ten Poems", "Collaborations", "aspen eyes", "Ten Haiga" , "Aeolus", "Laundry", "hey Jude", "extinguisher", "tropics", "Quarters", "Chicken Wire", "Bird Rescue", "Fish Tank", "Hunting Moon", "Knocks", "Long Strange", "dry spell", "science is real", "endless drought", "Who Done It?", "Eye", "Archaeology", "pitcher plant", "emerald monitor"
Shadow Pond: "snow leopard", "flag", "Matisse's window"
Sixpence Society Literary Journal: "mild weather", "freshwater plants", "overdue squall", "mastered trellis", "Bird That Cries"
Snowflake Magazine: "American Gothic", "Jacobean", "Neapolitan"
Sontag Mag: "Raised"
Soul-Lit: "sturdy", "wizened", "twice alaska", "bambino"
The Space Cadet: "Just Yesterday", "Dust", "What the Heavens Hide"
Starbeck Orion: "Lost in Space", "Conundrum", "little deaths", "cash economy"
The Starlight SciFaiku Review: "biometrics & other poems", "What is it with Haiku Poets and the Moon?", "disgruntled suffragette", "make a body", "black spot", "thunderclaps", "distant shore"
Spillwords Press: "each fragment", "Vesuvius", "walking papers", "sweetly", "pince-nez", "Roman Noir"
Suspect Device Zine: "a rat", "redundancy", "spriggan", "white boy", "don't feel bad", "deer", "bedridden", "sunday", "leveling"
Synchronized Chaos: "Cactus Sequences", "Throw Down", "deciduous conifers", "Light Mana", "carnations", "impotent anarchist", "reflection", "Fenny", "Garter", "Great Horned"
Take 5ive: "man of substance", "blood cell", "our party", "pink tulips", "green gables", "crowned", "minor key", "domestics", "sparrow", "little girl", "on foot", "pell-mell", "night clouds", "loose dog", "litter removal", "jumper cables"
Tanka Society of America 2022 Anthology 'One Moment At a Time': "mission"
Time Haiku: "absent moon", "low light"
Tofu Ink Arts: "smeared halo", "rather than idolize", "why people write sonnets"
Triya Magazine: "flew", "pistachio", "waterfall", "sutures", "green tractor", "broken bottles", "viper"
Tsuri-Dōrō: "white tie", "wildflowers", "beeturia", "furikake", "DNR", "mutilation"
Under the Basho: "crown of thorns", "continental drift", "Dodged", "Psithurism"
The United Haiku and Tanka Society: Songbirds Anthology "the table", "apple trees"
Vermilion: "viking warpath" Contest Winner
Viewless Wings: "biopsy", "flung over the fence", "lichen", "out of fashion wallpaper", "seems", "vets"
Wales Haiku Journal: "eagle feather", "pony trap", "telomeres", "green room", "storm season", "old songs", "wind farm", "lazy day"
Waterways (Tenpenny Players): "bread crusts", "ripe smorgasbord", "peak highs"
Wee Sparrow Press "To Live Here" Anthology: "caricature" Touchstone Award Nomination
The Wise Owl: "Four Poems", "Flavored Blend", "To the Curb”
Wombwell Rainbow: "round tables", "forecast", "grateful", "discovery", "Amazon"
Wordgathering: "smart young curs", "lucky he's so cute", "one can't scoop liquid"
The Zen Space: "Five Poems", "Five Poems", "faierie land", "Henry David", "Pere Lachaise"